
There are many ways to get involved with No Longer Voiceless.

1. Become a Scribe 

Once we interview our participants, we need to transcribe their stories into a short book. This takes time and requires patience and diligence. We are looking for volunteers that can help transcribe our interviews before they are edited and printed. Email us at nlvngo@gmail.com for an application!

2. Become an Interviewer

We are currently not looking for new interviewers, but as we expand we will need more help with this! Becoming a Legacy Book interviewer requires a training and shadowing session. For now, consider helping us by becoming a scribe.

3. Donate 

Currently our Legacy Books are available for free to anyone that is interested in receiving one. We believe everyone has a right to have their stories transcribed for future generations. Therefore, we ask for donations as seen fit. However, there are still costs associated with printing and binding our legacy books and all donations will help with these costs. Donate here.

4. Spread the Word  

Help us expand! Contact your local hospice centers and hospitals to find participants. Post about us and dignity therapy on social media. Help us empower as many people as we can through this outlet. Follow us on Instagram here!